
Head of Department


Prof. Dr. Jochen Weiss


Tel. 0711 459 24416 | Fax. 0711 459 24446






Deputy Head of Department


Extraordinary professorship


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Monika Gibis


Tel. 0711 459 22293 | Fax. 0711 459 24446





Ongoing PhD Projects:

o   The influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors in the color of vacuum-packed beef

o   Discoloration of vacuum stored beef

o   Influences of crossbreeds with autochthonous boars on pork meat quality

o   Effects of lactic acid fermentation on egg products

o   Analysis of aging-related changes and influencing factors on the metabolome of beef



Isabell Waidelich [Office] (Morning)                                              Antje Petersen [Office] (Afternoon)


                                                     Tel. 0711 - 459 24416 | Fax 0711 - 459 24446

                                                      Garbenstr. 25, Institute Building, Room 022


Name Function Research field
Dr. Hanna Salminen Scientific staff member Biopolymers, lipids, phenolic compounds, oxidation   
Dr. Lisa Berger Postdoctoral researcher Clean labeling approaches for meat and meat alternatives   
Kurt Herrmann Butcher
B. Sc. Markus Fehrenbacher Head of pilot plant
Barbara Maier BT-Assistent
Annette Nödinger MT-Assistent
M. A. Andreas Glombitza-Cevey Project manager
M.Sc. Sri Dhanya Adusumilli Project coordinator
M. Sc. Lorena Avila Cortes PhD student Enhancing the stability and bioavalability of polyphenols through encapsulation techniques 
M. Sc. Simon Hilbig PhD student  Characterization of the textural properties of meat and meat analogs by oral processing
M. Sc. Maurice König PhD student Two-stage fermentation of plant-based raw materials for the production of vegan raw-sausage analogs
M. Sc. Johannes Krell PhD student  Intrinsic influences on discoloration of vacuum stored beef
M. Sc. Malte Leible PhD student Development and application of a new controllable smoking process and impact on quality of meat products
M. Sc. Sebastian Mannweiler PhD student  Wax-based oleogels
M. Sc. Theresa Scheuerer PhD student Modification of proteins from microorganisms to tailor their techno-functional properties 
M. Sc. Till Schumacher PhD student  Solidification of plant protein-based foods

M. Sc. Florian Stehle PhD student Investigation on formation and prevention of precipitates on and in dry-cured ham